10 Memory Training Apps Mobile based

Increase learner engagement and knowledge retention with memory training apps. These memory apps for adults contain features that can help you put important knowledge in learners’ long-term memories so they perform better at work.

The free, all-in-one platform EdApp offers a variety of features and memory training apps to improve knowledge retention. This platform incorporates microlearning into its courses and learning management to minimize information overload. Because microlearning follows a short-and-sweet format, your learners will have an easier time absorbing the material, which can lead to them remembering it longer.

Memory Training Apps Ed App Memory Trainin

When creating courses using EdApp’s authoring tools, you can also access their library of memory game templates, which you can add to your Uk Email Lists lessons. These free memory games for adults templates include image/word matching, jeopardy, and the memory game templates. You can also insert these game templates into the ready-made courses found in the course library, in case you don’t want to build from scratch.

If you want to really check whether your learners remembered concepts or not, you can also take advantage of EdApp’s Rapid Refresh feature. All you have to do is send over your spreadsheet, set your quiz frequency, and let the algorithm do the rest. Quizzes are then sent automatically to your team’s devices – whether it’s part of a weekly training session or once after a meeting.

Another great thing about EdApp is its Brain Boost feature

Country Email List

Brain Boost applies the forgetting curve theory through spaced repetition. This means that during lessons, EdApp’s LMS will focus on repeating COB Directory topics that your learners need more work on. This can greatly improve their knowledge retention and lessen the chances of their training going to waste.

Cost: Free


Free brain games templates
Rapid Refresh
Brain Boost
Memory Training App  Learnie
Resembling TikTok’s video format, Learnie is a community microlearning tool that allows you to offer memory training apps tools in a quick but interesting manner. By doing this, your learners can have an easier time remembering information through the memory training app.


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