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Mistakes in identifying customer needs in sales

Managers do not listen to customers. Sometimes salespeople assume that they know everything about their customers, so they do not listen enough to what the interlocutor says. They may even interrupt the customer. The lack of analysis of customer opinions leads to the fact that salespeople do not study their preferences properly.

Managers ask inappropriate questions

They can distract a person and prevent him from identifying his real needs. For example, sometimes employees use closed questions that do not allow for teacher database open expression of their thoughts. This limits the opportunity to study the client’s needs.

Salespeople push the product

When managers are too pushy in offering solutions, ignoring the real needs of the person, it can push the buyer away. For example, they try to identify needs and talk about how great the company’s product, goods or service is at the same time. People marketing guidelines for mental health providers feel as if their opinions are not important. Because of this, there is a feeling that managers are ready to simply sell the product to everyone, and they do not listen to the wishes of the customers.

Salespeople speak strictly according to a script

Although using scripts can be useful for sales, repeating template phrases can lead to the employee asking questions purely mechanically. At some point, the contact lists buyer will understand that the manager is “reading from a piece of paper” and is not interested in his problem. He will not continue the conversation. Conclusion: it is important to train employees so that they can ask relevant questions, but not work strictly according to a script, constantly follow the rules, or go through a list of general questions.

Managers use only one technique

Some salespeople rely on one technique to identify needs , but it may not be appropriate in all situations. If a person calls who does not want to answer a list of questions, you need to be able to understand his needs in some other way. The essence of identifying customer needs is the ability to listen, analyze and adapt methods to each buyer.

It is important that managers know as many methods as possible to identify customer needs, plus be able to act outside the box. Then they will be able to learn more needs.

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