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What is the influence of images in the ebook?

Do they help to capture the reader’s attention or do they just make the text more attractive?

Images have two purposes in the ebook creation process:

  • The first is to complement the text, that is, to illustrate something more clearly for your reader or to add more information. Here you can include graphs, diagrams and photos that explain the step by step, for example;
  • The second goal is to make reading bulgaria phone number data images in the ebook easier, especially in the case of larger ebooks. This includes photos and images that do not complement the content, but help to break up the text.

Your task is to understand what type of image you want to use and what role it will play in your material. But in both cases it is worth illustrating your material, as you can see above.

10. Is it advisable to create a hook at the end of the text to boost the sale of the next product or is this not necessary?

This will depend on whether the product is related to what the ebook is talking about. For example, in a material about weight loss, you could it doesn’t work without them – what content belongs in b2b mailings link to a dietary supplement that helps in this process.

But if you’re talking about weight gain, for example, the two have no connection. So there’s no point in forcing that connection.

11. Can the author create the artwork for their own ebook?

Yes, it is possible. There are free tools, such as Canva , that can help you with this process. But only do this if you have the affinity and time to create designs.

If you are not familiar with these images in the ebook tools, it can take a long time to learn how to use them and create a proper work. In this case, it may be better to outsource this part and receive the ebook faster.

12. What is the best tool for creating an ebook?

This is a bit complex, as it will vary depending on your experience with the design tool. If you don’t have any experience, I recommend sms to data using Canva. However, for more professional products, Adobe InDesign is widely used, especially by us at Redator OnLine.

It is also worth remembering that the resources, functionalities and ways of doing things can vary greatly from tool to tool. But, in general, these platforms have tutorials or articles that teach you how to use them correctly.

13. I would like to know about formatting and how to fit it into Amazon, because mine doesn’t fit the molds.

Amazon only allows ebooks to be uploaded to the platform in ePUB format, which are basically text-only files. This is because people who use Kindle images in the ebook find it easier to read. There is no need to worry about artwork or images. There are also free tools on the internet that convert files to ePUB format.

There is also a printing format called KDP , which is print on demand. Amazon itself prints and sends it to the customer. There are several settings recommended by Amazon, so you need to choose an option and adapt your file to it.

If you have any questions, I suggest you hire an experienced designer to create or edit the file for you. These professionals have more experience formatting this type of document.

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