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Legislation vs. Healthcare Technology

Algorithmic programming leads to government regulations issued by the US government’s Department of Health. Through the CMS, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, our nationwide network of care providers can implement healthcare australia telegram data technology solutions that operate concurrently among multiple levels of the healthcare system.

By tracking and reporting hundreds of thousands of medical intercession data touchpoints, researchers and policy-makers continually refine healthcare recommendations and enforce mandates when needed.

For those organizations interested in improving patient-centric care and enhancing the delivery of care in general — achieving quality versus profitability  cold emailing for startups is not an “either-or” choice. Instead, smartly run operations seek out digital healthcare solutions to give them an edge in providing services.

Health Care Meets RCM

RCM, or Revenue Cycle Management, takes advantage of the medical billing efficiencies that are properly designed to track and invoice patients: from initial online scheduling of a doctor’s office appointment to the final invoice payment.

Empirical evidence shows that financial costs are controlled by efficient software use. Administrative staff and health professionals save time thanks to automated communications and billing programs.

Claims are processed for acceptance or denial

AR (Accounts Receivable) balances are brought to zero, and day-to-day cash flows are better maintained due to, in large measure, the modern use of RCM. Additionally, the pervasive use of EHR/EMR data storage and retrieval, transfer communications, and interoperability among systems create efficiencies.

Healthcare software solutions that not too long  steven benson of badger maps ago were considered pie-in-the-sky ideas have become reality. Patients and providers are thereby being brought closer together thanks to technology.

In the Hektoen Int’l. Journal of Medical Humanities


P. Ravi Shankar writes of Norman Rockwell’s painting ‘The doctor and the doll,’ “the kind doctor seems to represent the ideal relationship between the (doctor and the girl holding the doll).” Further, some of Shankar’s students “expressed regret (regarding) the changing nature of the doctor-patient relationship (and) loss of the personal connection with the physician… once regarded almost as a member of the family.” Perhaps this type of relationship is returning to society, fueled in part by well-designed healthcare software solutions.

Building long-lasting relationships with our email leads database  customers is what lies at the core of Velvetech’s working ethics. It has brought to life many flourishing partnerships and allowed us, for instance, to assist our customers with continued healthcare education projects and with the development of insurance software for verifying medical insurance eligibility.

A vivid example of Velvetech’s expertise in healthcare software development is CollectStream


A patient payment and revenue cycle management system, compliant with HIPAA and PCI requirements and integrated with leading EHR & EMR systems.

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