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Is it feasible into English to achieve a greater number of sales abroad?

It depends on how successful your ebook was in Brazil

In addition, you need to see if your subject is in demand abroad as well. It only makes sense if you have already exhausted the market here and need to sell more, otherwise focus number of sales abroad on Brazil first and then expand.

Furthermore, there are several countries cambodia phone number data that also speak Portuguese. So see if it doesn’t make sense to expand your sales to these countries first, before thinking about translating your material.

15. How do I create designs that catch the customer’s attention? Do I need to use links to other pages, social networks and contacts?

First, know your audience. They will decide involving employees what you want to create. If they are a more sophisticated audience, create something more delicate number of sales abroad and chic. If they are more simple, think of something beautiful, but number of sales abroad without too many details.

Regarding links and contacts, it will depend on the resources you intend to make available in your ebook.

16. If you outsource the creation of your ebook, is it still yours? Can you be considered an author or not?

When you outsource the creation of an ebook , that is, you hire the creation service and transfer this responsibility to other people, the copyright is sms to data number of sales abroad transferred to you as the writer, because you requested the service and the final result is subject to your evaluation. Therefore, you are considered an author.

However, always check with the person responsible for the creation whether there is such a copyright grant or not. Otherwise, you may have problems later if the person claims their rights.

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