Don’t Go Crazy From Stress! How to Stay Productive and Stop Being Nervous
Professor of the Department of Psychology
General concept of stress
The stress of an entrepreneur has both general features inherent in the stress of all people, and special ones caus by the specifics of the businessman’s activities. First, it makes sense to clarify the very concept of “stress”, since people perceive this word differently.
Initially, this term was introduc by
Hans Selye, who notic that job seekers database the human and animal organisms respond in similar ways to a variety of negative influences. In cold, hunger, heat, injuries and infections, the body secretes special stress hormones (glucocorticoids), which help the body cope with various troubles. Selye receiv the Nobel Prize for his discovery, and doctors seiz on the hormones he had discover, perceiving them as a magic pill for all diseases. However, scientists later found out that human stress was very different from animal stress, since Biological Sciences we pass all information through our psyche, which is why the assessment of the same event in different people can be completely opposite.
For example, an ice fisherman
Diving into an ice hole is a major negative stress, while a “walrus” swimming in an ice hole is a moderate positive stress. A disruption in the supply of components is a tragy for one entrepreneur, but for another it is just a reason to find new, more profitable suppliers.
That is why, twenty years after Selye’s discovery, scientists introduc the concept of “psychological stress”, which is closely link to our interpretation of a particular negative event. However, the problem here is different: if earlier the agb directory mechanisms of biological stress help our ancestors cope with cold, hunger and enemies, now these same reactions only prevent us from overcoming difficulties and spoil our health.
For example, if stress caus
By an attack by Biological impact of lgpd on e-commerce and how to adapt Sciences a hostile tribe provid additional energy for the fight, then in our time, stress caus by fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate or tax audits leads only to hypertension or diabetes. This does not help in solving the problems that arise.