I have noticed through informal conversations, exchanges of experiences and experiences that many projects to adapt companies to the General Data Protection Law end without, also, a perspective of unfolding as a privacy and data protection program.
Basically, by law, the project is contracted
To map personal data processing activities, identify active systems, what is shared with which third parties, perform structural and procedural risk analysis, launch some pills, write a policy, implement a cookie banner and appoint a person in charge. Interviews, dozens of files and delivery do not guarantee compliance with the regulation. If “guarantee” is already a very strong word in any context, here, a project is definitely not capable of maintaining compliance.
Transforming an adaptation project
Into a program that is part of an organization’s value chain means transforming twenty-five percent of the law mobile phone number data updated 2025 one hundred percent of continuous management. I understand and defend that, often, the problem with all this is the absence or distance, as a rule of the Portuguese language, between the subject and the predicate. In this specific case, the person who gave birth to Matthew is not always the one who holds and rocks him, with very rare exceptions.
It is not at all easy to envision
The next steps and move forward. It is not always just about technology, but always about people. People are always the weakest link when it comes to risks and vulnerabilities, but here, they are the strong point. In fact, they are even the secret. It is people with a very holistic vision who can deal with the this becomes a kind of self-punishment of the agenda, who can identify gaps in the program, measure maturity, generate an action plan for themselves and other business areas of the company, evaluate clauses, point out requirements, assign a legal basis, generate impact reports, review and generate new activity mappings.
If one swallow does not make a summer
Neither can a professional maintain or improve compliance alone. If a team is not enough, a committee is enough. But always a leader with a vision of governance, of the needs of other knowledge that chine directory each other, such as legal, processes, risks, information security… The LGPD is complex but it does not need to be difficult, it needs to well and well conducted in its multiple facets.
A privacy program is like a noble feeling that needs to and cared for every day so that it does not die of starvation. It is alive and must reflect organizational changes.