The intersection between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and LGPD has been one of the hottest topics in debates about data protection. The rapid evolution of AI and the increasing use of algorithms in various sectors of society require a careful analysis of the impacts of this technology on the privacy and rights of individuals.
Important questions
Algorithmic bias : The possibility of phone number library reproducing and amplifying social and discriminatory biases, negatively impacting minority groups.
Transparency and explainability : The need to ensure that algorithms are transparent and that the decisions they make are understandable to individuals.
Informed consent
How to obtain informed consent from individuals for the processing of. Their data by algorithms, especially in cases of massive and continuous data collection.
Responsibility : The definition of even in an unpleasant situation in case of damage caused by algorithms, that is, who should be held responsible: the developer, the user of the technology or the company that uses it?
Privacy : How to ensure the privacy of individuals in an increasingly connected world where AI plays a central role.
Regulation : The need for specific regulation for AI, which takes into account the challenges of data protection in this context.
The role of the ANPD
The importance of the ANPD’s role in regulating AI and protecting the rights of individuals.
Good practices : What are the best practices for developing and using algorithms that respect privacy and human rights?
Future challenges : What are the chine directory challenges. That society will face in the coming years in relation to AI and data protection.