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How to develop a solid content pruning strategy

ever-need/ ] is the key to success, but linking to low-quality content can undermine your brand trust. No matter how great your latest blog post is, linking to an old, outdated post can make readers distrust your expertise.

Content pruning ensures that only high-quality, authoritative pages appear on your site, so you can be sure that any links you add will be useful.

It can be difficult to know where to start, especially if you have a larger website. Fortunately, there are some steps to developing an effective content pruning strategy.

Audit your site and identify content that can be pruned

The first step is to conduct a complete audit of your phone number lead site. This means every page, post, and paragraph of content. It’s worth taking the time to do this, as rushing through this step can hinder the other steps.

It may be helpful to separate the content into three categories:

  • Content to curate. This includes high-quality content and recent posts that are still relevant.
  • Content that is no longer useful at all, and may be removed.
  • Content that is flawed but could be edited to increase its quality and relevance.

To decide what type of content to focus on and what to chile business directory steer clear of, market research can be very helpful—for example, using Ranktracker’s keyword finder (/keyword-finder/) to generate SEO keywords, or using conversation intelligence to figure out what customers are most interested in.

It can also be helpful to use analytics software like Google Search Console to identify pages with low traffic. If the content has been receiving little or no traffic for over a year, it may be time to remove it.

Audit your site and identify content that needs pruning](image3.png) (Image source: Unsplash )

Decide what content can be edited and then kept

The next step is to spend some time on the third cwebsite post-launch checklist ategory: content with potential. You then need to examine this content to decide which of the other two categories it truly belongs in.

If a piece of content (whether a page or a paragraph) can add value after being edited and updated, it may be worth preserving.

Whether repurposing content is an efficient use of your time depends on your own circumstances and goals. If a piece isn’t worth your time or is completely outdated, it may be better to lose it.

Reuse and update content

There are a few ways to modify content to improve its quality and performance.

If a post has useful information but doesn’t warrant its own page, you can split the information and add it to other posts. If there are multiple posts of this type on the same topic, they can be merged. You can even create a FAQ section to compile useful answers from other posts.

Sometimes the content may be high-quality and useful, but it may contain outdated information. In this case, you can update it whenever possible, or even add a notice of when the page was last updated. This can also be an opportunity to link to more recent content.