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Reasons to have a corporate website

Facebook doesn’t let you know exactly who saw your posts and ads. A and only provides a superficial view of your fans and followers. Unlike a corporate website. A Facebook doesn’t provide enough data to define good Digital Marketing strategies.

Underutilized resources

By limiting your actions to Facebook alone. A you fail to take advantage of the other advantages that Digital Marketing can bring to your company. On the other hand. A with the support of a corporate website. A you can optimize the use of the argentina phone number data resources provided by Facebook to boost sales.

Among the tools provided by Facebook are remarketing and advertising:

  • Remarketing : allows you to display ads to users who have already visited your website or a specific page on it. If your company works with manufacturing custom furniture. A for example. A you can display specific ads aimed at people who have only visited the “furniture for gourmet balcony” page. A for example;
  • Ad placement: allows you to reach potential customers who have registered their email on your website. A but have not yet purchased we discuss how to build a remote team anything from your company. Ad placement allows you to reach users who have similar tastes to potential customers who have registered.

Therefore. A the ideal is that you have a website for your company. A to reinforce your digital presence. A adapt to the new consumer profile and sell over the Internet. A while making good use of social networks.

However. A it is worth noting that it is essential that your website is responsive. A as research indicates that 30% of consumers use mobile devices to access internet content and give up on the search if the platform is not adapted for mobile.

Does not appear in searches

Also consider that most consumers do research online whenever they need a product or service. In other words. A having a website will help sms to data increase your company’s sales.

A company website is a great way to help consumers make decisions. A since people start making their purchasing decisions by researching online. A often well before going to a physical store. So if your company doesn’t appear in search engine results. A business opportunities will be lost.

Here are some of the main reasons why it is important for your company to have a website:

So that your company can be found

Think about it: what’s the point of offering products. A services and customer service with a high level of excellence if consumers don’t know what your company does? That’s why having a corporate website is essential for your company to be found when someone searches on Google.


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