When social media arrived a decade ago, few could have imagined that we would not understand life without it. Its rapid growth, together with the consolidation of smartphones, has meant that we live connected to it practically 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
What has increased is the range
Social networks we can choose from. While it is true that some are more popular than others, our profile appears on various networks, as we have created our own mix depending on gcash database what we want to do and communicate at any given time. We upload a photo to Instagram, while we publish a tweet and tell how we feel on Facebook.
No less than 17 million
Spaniards actively used social networks last year. A significant figure if we take into account that Spain has an online population of 23 million people. But, which are the social networks step-by-step guide to performing a data privacy audit with the most registered users? Facebook, with 88% of Spaniards using the Internet, social networks takes the top spot on the podium, followed by Google + and Twitter. Then we find LinkedIn, Instagram and Pinterest. These last two, with the power of the image as their banner, are the ones that grew the most last year.
We cannot ignore the triumphant entry of WhatsApp. Although it is not a social network in every sense of the word, it is a very powerful communication and social tool. So much so that it has surpassed Facebook: 87% of Spanish Internet users have a WhatsApp account.
And in the rest of the world?
Facebook continues to reign as the king of the preferred social network on the planet. It is followed by Google +, with the exception of North America, which prefers YouTube. Third place germany business directory depends on the region: Asia Pacific, Europe and South America opt for YouTube; Africa and the Middle East for Twitter; and in North America, Google +. Meanwhile, the social platforms with the greatest growth last year were Tumblr and Pinterest. Instagram would be left behind here, although it is true that it has increased its presence the most among young people between 16 and 24 years old, being their social network par excellence.