Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday Some Strategies

The most convenient time of the year is only a few weeks away: many companies have already established which marketing strategy to adopt to increase sales (well done!), while others are still on the high seas.

I won’t waste time pointing out that you’re late 😉 but I’ll use this article to give you some useful advice for your business: don’t thank me, but promise that next year you’ll move well in advance!

Keep reading and you’ll discover some interesting

Ideas to increase takings in the Armenia Email Lists most robotic and black period of the year… Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday: an introduction Let’s first take a small step back, a bit out of curiosity, a bit for knowledge:

what are Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday and how did they come about? The former was born in the United States and is always on the last Friday in November, the day after.

Thanksgiving and officially kicks off the ball

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It effectively marks the beginning of Christmas shopping, certainly more convenient considering that the COB Directory characteristic of this recurrence is the opportunity to make large purchases at very advantageous prices.

I don’t have to point out that Black Friday has also arrived in Italy, because I guess you know it better than me: it has in fact started to expand and then give life to the second day of crazy discounts, Cyber ​​Monday, which falls on the following Monday and offers technology-related items at discounted prices.

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