Country Email List Library

  • International Call Dialing: When making an international call, you need to enter the country code to connect to the corresponding country network.
  • Country Identification: The country code can be used to identify the country of origin of the phone number.
  • International SMS: When sending international SMS, you need to use a country code to specify the recipient’s country.

Senegal country code

Senegal is a country located in West Africa and its country code is 221. If you want to call a number in Senegal, you need to add 221 in front of the phone number. For example, to call a number in Dakar, the capital of Senegal, you need to enter 221 + the local number of Dakar.

Senegalese phone number format

Senegalese phone numbers usually Country Email List consist of 8 digits. For example, a typical Senegalese phone number would look like this: 221-77-1234567.

Country Email List

Other Country Codes

In addition to Senegal, there are many Special Material other countries that use 221 as their country code. These countries include:

  • Burkina Faso
  • Ivory Coast
  • Mali
  • Niger

If you need to call phone numbers in these countries, you will also need to use 221 as the country code.

How to Find the Country Code

If you are unsure of a country’s country code, you can find it using the following method:

  • Online search: Enter “country code” and the country name into a search engine to find the corresponding code.
  • Phone books: Most phone books contain a list of country codes.
  • International calling cards: International calling cards usually provide a list of country codes.
  • This article has helped

SEO Keywords: 221 country code, Senegal, international calling, phone number, country code list, international text messaging, dialing, phone book, international calling card

Hopefully, you better understand the 221 country code and its purpose.

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