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Find out what happened at the 1st ANPD Meeting of Managers

On August 1st, the headquarters of the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), in Brasília, became a meeting point for Data Protection Officers, privacy experts, cybersecurity consultants and those interested in the subject in general. The announcement of the 1st Meeting of Officers of the National Data Protection Authority, two months earlier, generated a movement in the country, genuine curiosity and interest on the part of these professionals.

With the house full and registrations for in-person participation sold out in just a few minutes, the rest were left to participate online . And the event delivered, exceeding expectations.

The opening was held by the ANPD CEO

Waldemar Gonçalves, together with the overseas data Executive Director, Natália Teles, and Lilian Cintra de Melo, Secretary of Digital Rights at the Ministry of Justice. The event featured four thematic panels, led by professionals from the public, private and third sectors.

The program brought to the table 1 ANPD servers to talk about the “Launch of the Data Protection Officer Regulation: Regulation, Challenges and Opportunities” and its preparation, which had around 1400 contributions from the data protection community.

Table 2 was mediate by the

Secretary-General of ANPD and had rich contributions from Data Protection Officers from several candidate of psychological sciences such as Nubank, Sebrae, the Ministry of Finance and ANPD itself, in which they exchanged experiences, pains and solutions on the theme “Role and Responsibilities of the Data Protection Officer”, showing its importance in maintaining adherence to the LGPD in the processing of personal data.

At table 3, speaking about “Security Incidents involving personal data”, were the General Manager of CERT.br/NIC.br, the Head of the Ministry of Management and Innovation in Public Services and the Head of the National Telecommunications Agency – ANATEL. The members highlighted the need for the Heads of the companies to. In the preparation of policies, in the promotion among the areas and in the recording of incidents in which personal data.

Finally, panel 4 brought up the topic

Artificial Intelligence and Personal Data Protection” with a representative from the Iris Institute, a representative from SECOM and one from IDP. The conversation showed the importance of the chine directory in charge knowing his or her role, and not just him or her, but the entire organization.

Although there were excellent topics to. The subject that was. On everyone’s lips” was the new Regulation for the Person in Charge days before, on July 16th.

Concluding the panels, the ANPD board of directors concluded the event by thanking everyone for their participation and reinforcing the role of the Data Controller as a fundamental entity for the fulfillment of the fundamental right to privacy of the data subject. And everyone went to network at the coffee break , exchanging ideas, contacts and experiences.

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