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How to build a $100 million company in five years without them?

Jiří Macha’s comment: Getting investors is a difficult discipline, I know a lot of great projects that are simply not sexy for them. So if investors immediately make your hands nervous, don’t panic. It definitely doesn’t mean that your idea won’t be successful, especially if it’s a service business. Persevere, it’s possible without investors and even has a number of advantages. But it won’t be easy. Not at all. Actually, I don’t know if you can even prepare for it, but perhaps a warning based on your own experience will help.

First of all, you will have to be modest, and a lot of it. Not for a moment, not for a few weeks, not even for a few months. It took me three years to get back to the same level of money I had as an employee in my previous job. But it can be much longer. The reality is that you have to prepare yourself to live off your savings. Can you imagine not paying yourself a salary for a year or two?

And what if the company needs another half a million during that time?

My tip:
Calculate your own savings. How long can you live off of them? How much money will you need for the first year of your business? Determine how long you can operate this way.
Be prepared right from the start that you may lose all your invested money.
Consider your family situation. If you have family obligations, think about the backdoors, you don’t necessarily have to go all-in to be successful.
Where to get it
If you’re ready to downsize significantly, we can move on. Few gambling data russia  people have enough money set aside to finance the entire first year of a newly founded company with the ambition of rapid growth to hundreds of millions in sales within a few years. The rest of us have to think about where to get those few million.

Of course, a bank is an option. But unfortunately, you probably won’t be able to get there. At least not in the first two years of business, if you want big money from the bank (which you do if you have big plans). Later, when you have well-known brands and companies among your clients, for example, you can rely on the bank and use factoring, for example. But until then, you need to find money to run your business elsewhere.

It may sound strange, but in my experience, the best choice is family and close friends. If you have this option, use it. But be careful, it is sensitive and risky. Involve only those who will truly believe in your idea, do not force anyone. And most importantly, do not parasitize on the money of family or friends. They should also get more than just a good feeling from the trust they have placed in you.

Try a term deposit into a company with family or friends.

Rely on people who believe in you and your idea and want to help post office as a partner to make deliveries  you in the beginning, rather than those who may offer you more money but only see it as a business deal.
Look into subsidy options. Although you cannot rely on this money or rely on it, it can be a useful help, for example, from CzechInvest you will also receive valuable know-how in addition to money.

Keep it main
Did you manage to get the money to start? Great! But when starting out, you need a lot more. It’s actually a mix of things like contacts, experience, flexibility, speed, willingness to take risks and certainly a lot of luck. But in my opinion, the most important thing is energy and perseverance.

Michal Peška ( the second co-founder of Enehan – ed. note ) says that you can succeed with your own diligence and determination. That even an average person can do an awful lot with that diligence and determination. It mainly depends on how much a person wants and how much they are willing to sacrifice. I would add that at some points in the past, more experience, which an investor can bring to the company, would have helped us. If you don’t have one, I advise you to bring people to the company from whom you can learn yourself.

My tip:
Try to build a strong foundation that will support you.
Try not to dwell on all the fears that a person may face at this stage, and try not to stress yourself out too much.
Compromises with condition
Looking back, one of the most important decisions at the beginning  thailand data of Enehan was to do an easy business – so that we could make money on what was really our main vision and what we wanted to do in the long term. But it’s treacherous, sometimes you have to make small detours, otherwise you can easily lose direction.

We always wanted to go the Salesforce route ( Enehano builds solutions for clients on its platform – editor’s note ), but in the beginning we also took on contracts outside our long-term strategy. This helped us not only to finance increasingly expensive operations, but also to create the image of a more stable company. But we still kept the rudder set in the right direction.

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