Home » News » I photographed this poster at a marketing conference.

I photographed this poster at a marketing conference.

It is important to understand that the psychology of a person who is interest. in buying traffic to a site is a person with a technical bias. This means that this person loves specifics.

Judging by the picture

This same poster sells some kind of tour to an uninhabit. island. but not traffic services. Will such a poster catch a person’s eye? Perhaps. But how many techies will be among them who really ne. this… that’s an open question.

Not to mention that the rules of

Direct marketing that I think “traffic specialists” should know are not appli. at all on this poster. This tells me. as a marketer. that the specialists in this company do not really understand marketing. and therefore usa telegram data  their understanding of what kind of traffic their clients ne. is questionable.

Of course. it is unlikely that the

poster’s creators thought about these psychological nuances when they made the poster. but this is what determines the buyer’s trust in a particular contractor.

Our brain is design. in such a china leads  way that it automatically filters many things. including such nuances. And this means that in the increasing flow of information. they will be extremely important for any business. And the business that continues to ignore them will eventually lose and will be forc. to either leave the game or invest much more resources to restore its status.

In our Marketing2.Ru Club we  we disagreed on the decisions discuss such things constantly. but it would be good for you to know about them too.


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