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Marketing today must count on real-time personalization

Real-time personalized communication is one of the areas of marketing strategy that we encounter more and more often with our corporate clients. While a few years ago some companies made do with relatively generic content that they communicated through static web banners or email campaigns, in the last few years the market has finally called for a more sophisticated solution.

It is a concept in which the client is the “center of the universe” of all marketing . This solution is usually based on two pillars – identifying key data for decision-making and creating a positive and personalized experience that each customer takes away from contact with a specific brand.

Along a winding road

One of the biggest challenges of personalized communication chinese overseas australia database  is to understand customer behavior from the large amount of collected data and identify key moments that play a critical role in their customer journey . Moreover, this journey is not a linear process, but is often made up of steps forward and concessions back or sideways.Customer journey example from Salesforce Marketing Cloud

An example would be a customer deciding on their first mortgage. Arranging a mortgage is an important life decision and has several phases, from gathering information, comparing different offers, choosing a specific bank, the process of arranging the loan itself, to repayment and resolving (sometimes complicated) life situations that may affect the mortgage payment.

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In this case, the bank should treat the customer as a  rate of leads that become qualified customers partner, guiding them safely through the entire cycle from start to finish. In this case, it is not only important that the customer arranges a mortgage, but that they go through the entire process smoothly and that the bank is helpful when they have a problem during the next 30 years of repayment. From a marketing perspective, this can be achieved by identifying a specific need or situation at the right time, e.g. the need to arrange a mortgage.

At this point, the bank should start to establish a dialogue with the client – ​​personalizing articles on the website that summarize important factors for choosing a mortgage, FAQs on the negotiation process, contact information in case of specific questions, personalized banners or a suitable selection of articles for the email newsletter . This will show the client that it is aware of the need and is ready to provide a helping hand throughout the process.

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However, if the bank does not detect the client’s need, it should also not send them content related to mortgages, perhaps just to meet some quotas.

Do you know what that means?
As I wrote before, the customer journey is not a linear process, and it is often necessary to use sophisticated tools that facilitate orientation in data and allow it to be presented in an appropriate way. There are many such tools on the market, and each one is unique in its own way. At Enehan, we have the best experience with the Salesforce platform , specifically with the Marketing Cloud and Marketing Cloud: Personalization (formerly Interaction Studio) products , which cover the entire customer lifecycle. What is it?

“While Marketing Cloud allows you to build and visualize a complete customer journey that responds to important milestones in the customer lifecycle at the right time and through the right channel, Marketing Cloud: Personalization can analyze key customer data using native AI algorithms or based on your own defined rules.”

Sample – Marketing Cloud Einstein Overview
Right here, right now
Based on this analysis, it then recommends a truly personalized  thailand data message, called the Next Best Action. It does all of this in milliseconds, so we’re talking about truly real-time personalized communication.

Such communication that effectively increases conversion rates and sales, as well as reduces the cost of customer acquisition or retention.

And it is these tangible results of marketing work that will be necessary in the coming months and years to defend the importance, prestige, and budgets of the entire industry.

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