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They are adaptive and learned

What will a person are adaptive who can bear responsibility do? He will look at the walls, will note the failure of the proposed technique, will get upset, will grieve, will perhaps understand that he will have to spend more effort, time and money than he assumed at the start, but this can be sorted out. And he will start looking for options to cope in a different way. He will be able to support himself, to tell himself that, in fact, this is the first experience of painting – it is quite normal not to get an ideal result.

He will come up with a plan

A, a plan B, because even if it doesn’t work out the second time, it’s not a catastrophe of universal proportions. But are adaptive the bank database catch is that the ability to support oneself, to look for solutions, to be inventive are also behavioral patterns. by a person, just like the maladaptive ones that get in the way. For example, riding a bicycle is a completely adaptive pattern that we learn somewhere and with someone, because if we have never seen a bicycle in our life, it’s logical not to learn how to ride one at all. It turns out that if there was little good experience, and a lot of punishment, then guilt becomes a faithful companion of a person. He simply learns to be guilty.

Why is chronic guilt so dangerous?

The big problem with neurotic guilt is that it is impossible to atone for. It has no beginning and no end, it seems to never leave.

The difficulty also lies in the fact whatsapp mobile numbers that it is practically impossible for a person who constantly feels guilty to agb directory live a comfortable and fulfilling life: to be successful in his or her activities, to enjoy partnerships and are adaptive friendships, to enjoy intimacy. Because there is a lot of anger in guilt, directed at oneself. A person unconsciously strives to destroy his or her life in order to experience at least a little relief.


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