Traffic that converts How to increase

As a company, you generally want to generate traffic to your website. With the goal of converting visitors into sales. But not all traffic is worth the same amount. And if the traffic is to turn into conversions, it requires the right strategy. traffic that converts The average conversion rate for websites. Varies quite a bit depending on the platform. But according to analysis it is often between 1-6% . B2B can have a higher conversion rate than B2C. But at the same time the volume is often lower as well. Therefore, our goal as marketing managers is naturally. To get as much out of the traffic that is generated for the site. Since there are also different types of search intentions from users – potential customers .It is important to understand how we humans go from stimulus to a final purchase.

Search phase intentions

A well-known model that explains exactly this. Is ZMOT (Zero Moment of Truth). A model that can be translated in m Canadian Mobile Phone Number Data any ways to the decision-making. Phase of a search engine and thus SEO . Model Once we have a stimulus (whatever activated it). we need to search for information. Information that makes us smarter. Compares and generally guides us on the way to making a choice. That meets that need – our stimulus. Therefore, it is the companies that are most visible in the search phase. Contribute the most valuable information and deliver a suitable product that typically. End up creating the conversions.

What does valuable information entail?

Canadian Mobile Phone Number Data

Value-added information is based on content that provides the user with. Information that helps them make a decision. This means knowledge that matches the need behind the search. As well as ins COB Directory ight into a topic that leads to either a search for more knowledge on the site. Or an action that could be a transaction. At we typically work here based on a pillar-cluster model, which is about. Creating topical coverage through EEAT and Google’s most. Important algorithms. Something that is crucial to being successful with SEO. The product It almost goes without saying, but in order to convert. Your product must of course live up to the quality that users expect. As well as a price they can pay. Ways you can optimize here are. Through information about the product, answers to typical questions. And good pictures/videos that show the product and how it is used. It is for all businesses to stay abreast of cultural trends. Technological advances, and the evolving nature of search interests.

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