How To Sell Digital Goods On Lazada

Ever wondered if it is possible to sell digital goods like antivirus, PC games and eBooks on Lazada? Yes, that’s for sure. But it’s not an option openly available to all sellers. In a moment, we’ll find out why and how you can join this program. 

List of contents

How Becoming a Lazada Digital Goods Seller Becomes a Problem
Why So Strict With The Lazada Digital Seller App?
Requirements To Become A Legitimate Seller Of Digital Goods On The Lazada Platform
You Need To Be A Sales Company
You Need To Comply With Lazada’s Digital Goods Policy
How Does Lazada Solve This Problem In Digital Goods Sold On The Platform?
You Need to File a Digital Goods Whitelist

How Becoming a Lazada Digital Goods Seller Becomes a Problem

When you enter a product listing of a digital product on Lazada, what basically happens is a shipping fee will be charged. This happens even if you just need to email a copy of the e-book or software. Thus, complications may occur during the ordering process with customers. 

Say you want to sell antivirus software. Most sellers will categorize it under computer accessories. Therefore, when product listings are published, shipping costs will be included along with the final cost of the item. 

One way to get around this is to register your product listings as digital goods. However, when you do this, an error occurs when you try to publish a product list. 

In order to successfully publish your digital Latest Mailing Database goods on the Lazada platform, you must register as a seller of digital goods. 

But it’s actually not that easy as Lazada is a bit picky with their application process regarding this. There are several eligibility and requirements that you must comply with before making a deduction. Even so, it still depends on the wisdom of the team that passes the mark.

Why So Strict With The Lazada Digital Seller App?

Latest Mailing Database

Lazada (along with other eCommerce platforms) has experienced many fake cases in the past regarding digital goods. 

Many customers find themselves scammed or given software that is malfunctioning or broken. 

Most importantly, selling digital goods is a major threat to intellectual property. There are some online sellers who try to sell you inauthentic copies of eBooks. Due to the low price of the books, this had a significant impact on the sales of the COB Directory original authors of the books. 

The digital goods application process is Lazada’s way of identifying sellers who distribute genuine copies of their products and are also trustworthy as far as customer relations are concerned. 

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