Regardless Of Fellow Passengers But Mostly

The accounting department always keeps an eye on the expenses made, receives central statements and no longer has to process employee statements for purchases with private crdit cards. Because the intendd use can be specifid for each virtual card, they are particularly secure. Accounting and purchasing are always in control and have a comprehensive overview of all procurement expenses. Have we piqud your interest.

Like To Pick Up The Phone On The Train

Read our e-book to learn more about the benefits virtual cards can bring to your business.Why traditional B2B payments database are no longer enough The modern procurement process is becoming more and more digital. Traditional payment methods such as bank transfer and direct debit are no longer the best way to meet the challenges facing buyers and suppliers today. Yet, in a survey conductd during an AirPlus webinar, 69% of participants said bank transfer is their primary payment solution.


Even More Important Business Travelers

Our webinar attendees are not the only ones using traditional payment solutions for their B2B processes. Kaiser Associatesfound that COB Directory bank transfer continud to dominate competition in B2B payments in 2020, accounting for 88% of business spend in the B2C world across Europe. With only 1.4% of the expenditure, virtual cards therefore hold enormous optimization potential for the digitizing procurement landscape. DACH AirPlus Blog Most companies know that with the digitization of procurement, payment solutions should move with it.

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