The brand that is remembered

Effective marketing is not only about being present in buying situations, but especially about being present before buying situations, and often a long time before. Across most industries, only 3% are actively in the market to buy a given product or solution at a specific time. The remaining 97% are not active in the market; some may be on their way there, while others may not get there for the next several years. It is therefore essential to adapt your marketing to exactly that distribution if you want to do business for more than a few months or years – without having to overpay for your new customers.

Does this mean that we should drop

By marketing yourself towards the 97%, you will in the short term experience. a relatively “bad” return . Your marketing investment, and that m Canadian Mobile Phone Number Data akes sense – they are nothing.The market to buy. But if we can create “mental availability” with them.And slowly establish our brand as a go-to. Supplier of what we negotiate, over time we will experience that the amount of inquiries and sales will increase exponentially. Without a corresponding increase in our marketing investment. The above will in some respects also be referred to as. Brand building”. Something that over the past 10 years has been significantly. Downgraded in general, in favor of performance marketing.

Does this mean that we should drop

I don’t mean that. I think that we should instead be better at balancing the two. And work with the slightly newer concept: brand perfo COB Directory rmance . We must think about performance when we work with branding. And we must think about branding when we work with performance. The newer technology in marketing allows us to work both data-driven and more intelligently with our marketing. But if we do not consider the general marketing and branding principles when working. With our marketing, then I think we are worse off than we would have done with the right principles and no new technology. Put another way: When it comes to marketing, psychology is more important than technology. Well, what does that have to do with the title of the post? Yes, the whole point is that instead of working only for conversions on a daily basis, we must focus on extended memory and top-of-mind effect with our target audience. In continuation of the above, it is also my opinion that we should generally market ourselves significantly more broadly as brands – and not just against a narrow ICP with a high frequency.

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