Learning approach Many words can be explained

Microlearning and Blended Learning – EdApp Gamification Here are concrete ways in which microlearning can enhance your blended learning approach. All the suggestions below are short, mobile-based, training segments. Trainees can review this content as often as they wish since it is available to them on their phones 24/7.

An LMS such as EdApp offers several image-text templates. The images are interactive, so trainees can zoom in to get a closer look. There is also a left-to-right slide bar, so trainees can move back and forth between two image-text options. This is perfect for items that look very similar such as wine glasses or types of screws.

Microlearning and Blended Learning Ed App

Sequencing: vocabulary Putting words or phrases in order involves several levels. First, learners need to know what the words phrases mean. Second, they need to understand the content behind them.

For instance, they are given a list of job Zambia Email Lists titles and asked to put them in order of the company grievance procedure. In other words, who do they go to first if they have an issue? Then who? And so on. Not only do learners need to understand the job titles, they need to also know what the grievance procedure is.

Chat template
Often, especially in customer service, there is the preferred answer. The EdApp chat template allows trainees to pick the most appropriate response in a situation – using speech bubbles. Drilling in this way increases the chances that your team members are going to know the right answer by heart, so they can say it when needed.

Even if numbers are not a big part of your usual training

Country Email List

Material, they often take on more importance COB Directory when workers are testing for accreditation or certificates. EdApp has a variety of interesting number-based templates.

Microlearning and Blended Learning – EdApp Number Templates
Adjust the number

Through this microlearning template, trainees can simply rotate the dial to adjust and enter the correct number from within an evenly distributed range.

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